Through Rhapsody Design Manager, systems engineers can work in a more natural fashion by using Active Managed Mode to manage their design assets directly in a Jazz ™-based repository. 通过RhapsodyDesignManager,系统工程师能够以更自然的方式工作,使用ActiveManagedMode直接在基于Jazz™的存储库中管理他们的设计资产。
Taqa of Abu Dhabi, which has an ambitious strategy of expanding through acquisitions, has been one of the most active buyers of energy assets in recent years. 阿布扎比的taqa是近年来最为活跃的能源资产收购者之一,该公司雄心勃勃,意欲通过收购进行扩张。
Active overlays are run with the intention of creating returns for the buyer rather than simply protecting assets and as such tend to be more expensive with costs varying from 0.1-0.4 per cent. 积极型管理外包旨在为客户创造回报,而不只是保障资产安全,因此成本往往更加高,在0.1%至0.4%之间。
Chinese companies have become increasingly active investors in oil assets in recent months, although most have been interested in upstream oil production businesses rather than refineries. 最近几个月,中国企业在石油资产领域的投资日益活跃,但大多数中国企业感兴趣的是上游的石油生产业务,而非炼油业务。
At the end of June, 71% of its active assets under management had outperformed their relevant benchmarks over the previous year and five years. 在六月底,它所管理的71%的活跃资产业绩已优于上年同期及五年期的相关指标。
He says the alternative is to chase clients in the$ 30m-plus bracket and squeeze more active assets from each relationship manager. 他表示,另一种方式是去追逐那些身价在3000万美元以上的客户,并从关系经理那里挤出更多的主动资产。
This year the fund has been far more active, scouring the world for investments with a particular focus on natural resources assets. 今年,中投大幅提高了活跃程度,在全球物色各种投资,重点关注自然资源资产。
The mainland lender is in active discussions with financial advisers and Chinese policymakers about the merits of joining the auction for assets owned by the stricken US insurance giant. 美国保险巨头资产在这次金融危机中遭受重创,中国银行正与金融咨询机构及中国决策层积极讨论参与竞购该行业的好处。
However, Chinese companies have at the same time also become more active in buying European assets. 但与此同时,中国企业在购买欧洲资产方面也变得更加积极。
It's very important that correctness of accounts receivable analysis for disclosing accounts receivable management and strengthening active assets management. 应收账款分析的正确性,对于揭示应收账款管理工作的好坏以及加强流动资产管理具有重要的意义。
Exchanging market about property rights, however, become more active and normal in our country, it gives more opportunities for the development of the invisible assets. 但随着我国加入WTO后,我国产权交易市场变得更为活跃和规范,这就为无形资产评估的发展提供了更多的发展机遇。
The regional financial asset management companies have the key active effects to establish the modern management system in the state-own companies, realize the destination of reform of state-own companies, keep and add the value of state-own assets. 为逐步在国有企业中建立现代企业制度,实现国有企业的改革目标,达到国有资产的保值增值的目的,地方性金融管理公司将发挥重要的促进作用。
Under the highly active background of assets relationship at higher education institutes, it is of great significance that timely study of the new mechanism of state-owned assets management operation ensures the value of assets, value-added and efficiency. 在高校资产关系异常活跃的时代背景下,适时地研究国有资产管理运行的机制创新,对于确保学校资产的保值、增值与效益,具有重要的现实意义。
The relative active monetary policy in China has had an effect on guarding against financial venture and improving the quality of financial assets in terms of the aim of policy. 从政策目标的角度而言,我国相对积极的货币政策在防范金融风险,提高金融资产质量方面起到了一定作用;
TEV ( Tracking Error Volatility) Optimization which is widely used in active portfolio management has an inherent flaw. The assets of investors have greater risk, owing to the actions of managers. TEV(TrackingErrorVolatility)优化是积极资产管理的流行方法,但因其存在的固有缺陷,会导致基金管理人员的行为使得投资者的资产承受更大的风险,进而引发委托代理问题。
The cash is a scarce resource, is the most active business assets of the part of the cycle of corporate assets and the end of the starting point for working capital, business activities throughout the entire process. 在财务分析中,现金作为一种稀缺资源,受到企业经营者和众多学者的关注,它是企业资产中最活跃的部分,是企业资金循环周转的起点与终点,贯穿于经营活动的整个过程。
Credit approval System can achieve intensive and scientific management of the credit operations, play an active role in the enhancement of credit assets security, improvement of credit approval level, criterion of business management processes, and the enhancement of credit pre-approval scientific decision. 贷款审批系统,能够实现贷款业务的集约化经营、科学化管理,对增强贷款资产的安全性,提高贷款审批管理水平,规范业务流程,加强贷款审批预决策的科学性起到极大的积极作用。
All this can not be ignored state-owned assets and through the active participation of state-owned assets in order to promote independent innovation and industrial clustering. 这一切都离不开国有资产,只有通过国有资产的积极参与才能推动产业集聚和自主创新的发展。
In fact, using fair value do not surly need active market condition. Using the way of assets evaluation may confirm fair value of assets that are inactive in the market. 事实上,公允价值的确定并不一定需要活跃的市场条件,采用资产评估的方法可以确定不活跃于市场的资产的公允价值。
The trademark is the most active as a commodity identity inherent identity, trademark, intellectual property rights, is the great wealth and intangible assets of a country or region. 商标是作为商品标识最活跃的固有身份,商标权不仅是知识产权,更是一个国家或地区的巨大财富和无形资产。